Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Anyway I didn't call macdonalds in the end.

I was

1) Shy
2) Reluctant because I am shy
3) I kept delaying.

I said I wanted to call only when they serve breakfast, which was 4AM.

I was dead tired by then, so I said "Fuck it" and went to bed, for that miserable 2 hours.

Chemistry paper today was so-so.

The topics i mugged for came out, but the mark weightage sucked.


I was pissed off by the same thing in the morning.

And I deemed retail therapy as the cure for my moodiness.

I was planning to buy a new pair of heels today but i ended up buying a magazine and bath sand for my hamsters. -.-..


Vivocity's PAGE ONE bookstore has this book in their graphic design section, called the MUSA book. It's $63. It's pure love because it features AMAZING work from alot of designers worldwide and trust me, every page is worth the money.

But this is not so to my godfather because he doesn't think we should pay to see the works of others. Well, why not.

I think it is great. It serves as inspiration and it will set my mind to think if I can do the same and think of methods, GOOD WHATTTT.

And I swear it will keep me VERY entertained, for..hours.

Time to save up and buy it.


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