Sunday, August 06, 2006

Let's all face it.

Change is something we can never avoid, and hence we should therefore just accept it and move along with life. Therein lies an ironic fact the deluded self would never belief, and that is that the deluded self is responsible for the change as well, especially for the people around that self.

I am not implying that everybody should give no damn to change, but learn to adapt to it and of course move along. It is normal to reminisce about the past but the line is drawn when you attempt to bring the past back to present, for the attempts are always futile.

Definitely, you don't blatantly curse and question the Gods and all things alike for the change that has happened to the people, things and environment around you for you are responsible for that change.

I have been getting very irritated by this individual, which we shall call, A.

I don't give a fuck if i am your closest friend or bestest friend or nicest friend or whatever-friend. You are just a friend to me, and i think i have said this many times that A should really stop trying to read toooo much into my secrets, because if i trust you and if i will reveal to you, i AUTOMATICALLY will. You can save your probings on your boyfriend, who is dead i presume.

There is a VERY thick, RED, conspicious line drawn between a COMPANION and a pal or a close friend.

A companion may be the one always by your side, PHYSICALLY and LITERALLY, but that does not mean that the companion can be trusted.

A close friend, or a pal, need not be together physically all the time, but yet, can still share personal stuffs as they spend time together.

I am still annoyed with your stinky attitude. You want attention, without showing that you NEED it.

I don't like you, so fuck off.


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