Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I am bored.

Sometimes humans just love to escape from the harsh reality and from all 'poles' of negativity isn't it? Take the melting glaciers at the North and South poles for example. Scientists are all trying to slow down the melting rate and are thinking of ideas to save the Earth.

I would prefer if they put aside such actions and go focus more on maybe cures for diseases and such because honestly, there isn't anything you can do to slow down the melting rate.

We should just embrace that 'fact' and move on.

If other people question the people who are against the action of slowing down the melting rate, saying that we are being too selfish by not trying to save the environment they're probably nuts. WHAT CAN YOU DO? Go to 7-11 stores, purchase massive amounts of ice packs and ship to the poles and replace the ice?!

It is not an act of selfish-ness i feel. It is more of snapping back to reality. The good, old clean Earth will never return, unless it splits open a new one with all of us flung into black holes and dying miserably.

All these are the by products of the rise of technology that are said to 'improve' our lives. I think it is more of making everywhere especially the sunny little island here a heaven. Everything wants upgrades, lifts in every floor, sheltered walkways even when the distance is as short as 20metres, like my neighbourhood.

As if the UV rays would be so bad as you walk under the sun under a distance of 50metres. Heck, even if you walk as slow as a snail you wouldn't die please.


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