Saturday, September 23, 2006

I deleted a 100 over posts.

Some drafted entries were really depressing, so depressing till i cried. =/

I miss you so much i want to cry.

Ann told me before, that it is alright to cry, in fact i should cry as hard as i can, but promise myself that i'll not cry for that particular topic/item/person again. I don't know, seriously.

I used to get lost in your eyes, and it seems i cant live a day without you. I want you, but i'm not giving in this time.

I am haunted by the beautiful memories that were actually in the disguise of a disaster. Innocently happy flashbacks of you and i, oblivious to the voracious appetite of the gossip-mongers.

We were so happy together, although it did not last long, it was more than what my dreamy self wanted.

Within a day, all ties were cut. All conversations ended. Smiles were inverted into symbols of hate and anger. The once hillarious and warm msn conversations diminished to cold hellos and goodbyes, and eventually we stopped talking.

Then you started doing all sorts of weird stuffs just to upset me. You started to snap at even the slightest things i said, when all i asked was "Are you okay?". You told people i am a marginal part of your life, you told people i am freaky. To hurt me was your modus operandi.

Despite all that, i stood by your side and defended the curious voyeurs who wanted to know what went on between us, some individuals even quoting what you said as evidence to show that you are not as good as what i thought you to be.

I believed, and still am believing, that you are not that bad.

Yet time and time again, fate proved me wrong.

Reality is so bleak, and yet at times, so deceiving. We hit it off so well within a day. It was just because of a slight joke by a friend that made you feel so repulsive about me, and it stuck to that way till now.

Why did things have to get so bad when it was really beautiful in the beginning. You and me, She and him. Best friends on each side.

I cry myself to sleep almost every night when i know i won't even have a chance to catch a glimpse of your smile anymore, soon.


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